Monday 13 December 2010


Below is a printscreen of the webiste which we visitded to pick music for our Video.


Below are difftent fonts textes we may use for our titile opening sequences.

Saturday 11 December 2010


In our group the main character which we decided to use is Tinu Lovina because we felt like she most suited the part we were look for which is, innocent looking, venerable small, petite young girl. our main character will be filmed whilst running down a long dark road.

the second character we decided to use was a baby named Rachel. The baby is my little niece so we had to get parental consent before we could film the child.

the third character we decided to use was lola as the midwife as we felt she best suitded this role.

The fourth character we decided to uses was justin as the doctor because he suitded the character.
below are some of the images we have shot in the baby's room were the baby will be

Thursday 2 December 2010

example of a Script

Original Synopsis

Our first scence will begin with a young lady running down a long dark road screaming as if shes being chased by someone/something. whilst shes running she gets flasbacks of all these diffrents things and slowly all the flashbacks start to build up a picture for the audience. the most comman shots will be using are cuts and cross-dissolve. well will also be using close -ups to show the emotions and fear in out main character face as she is running and being tramatised by the flashbacks. in our film we will also have three orther character. A Doctor, A social worker and A baby.

Thriller Title Opening Sequences

the videos and the information below shows all diffrent types of thrillers that may be linked to our thriller title opening sequence idea.

Add Image

seven title opening sequence
the title opening sequence shows brifely the things which will happen through the course of the movie. also it is necessaery as it gives the audience the chance to decided wheather to keep watching the movie or also shows them whos acting in the movie and who it is directded by.

Above is a screenshot of this title opening sequence which shows who produced the film.

the opening sequence above shows all the actors who will be in the movie and it also shows who the film was written by.

this shows the type of text they used e.g. the font an size.

The title sequences above of a film called When a stranger calls. it gives the audience an idea of who's starring in the film and also who it is directed and written by. this gives the viewers a chance to decided weather to continue watching the movie or not.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

thriller moodslide

Mood Swing for Media Prouduction

the moodswing above show diffrent images which helps to create a good thriller film.

Title Opening Sequence Research

A title sequence is the method by which cinematic films or television programs present their title,key production and cast membersor both, utilizing conceptual visuals and sound. It usually follows but should not be confused with the opening credits which are generally nothing more than a series of superimposed text.

Many films have used unusual and fairly elaborate title sequences since the 1930s. In the 1936 Show Boat little cut-out figures on a revolving turnable carried overhead banners on which were displayed the opening credits This opening sequence was designed by John Harkrider, who created the costumes for the original 1927 Broadway production of the musical.

In several films, the opening credits have appeared against a background of (sometimes moving) clouds. These include The Wizard of Oz (1939), Till the Clouds Roll By (1946), the David Lean Oliver Twist (1948), and the 1961 King of Kings.
In the 1947 Technicolor film Sinbad the Sailor, the letters of the opening credits seem to form from colored water gushing into a fountain.

In the 1959 Ben-Hur, the opening credits were seen against the background of the "Creation of Man" in Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling. As the credits progressed, the camera slowly zoomed in on the Hand of God outstretched toward Adam.

these screenshots shows the title opening sequence for scream. these images showes the audience whats going to happen i the film n some of teh characters which r in the film. this helps the audience build up a picture in the heads of how/what the film will be like.

Friday 22 October 2010

Second Group Meeting

Below are the issues we planned to address in our second group meeting present at this meeting is Viana and Moni


. Story boards

. Roles

. Characters

. Synopsis

. Location/ props + target audience



As a group will discuss all that will happen in our film and we right the ideas down. Moni jots down the ideas and the information which we will use in our title opening sequence.

we also dicussed the editing techqnics that will use such us a cut,cross dissolve etc...

we also watched saw the title opening sequences which showed us all diffrent shots and camera angles to use in order to creat more excitment and suspense for the audience. we also decided on what location we will use for out title opening sequence.

Saturday 16 October 2010

Hitchcock Summary

STEP 1: the Mind of the Audience
This is usually based on the fact that the mood and atmosphere needs to be set for the audience so that they can understand and feel the full effect being portrayed by the characters within the film.

STEP 2: Frame for Emotion
This is about making sure that the right camera shots/angles are used in order to show the emotion of each character within an important scene. By doing this, this means that the audience is able to become emotionally involved with the piece of film they are being shown.

STEP 3: Camera is Not a Camera
this means that the audience can experience and feel whats going on thought the eyes of each character.

STEP 4: Dialogue Means Nothing
this means telling a story without the character actually saying what the story is, so that the character can create an image of the story in the heads also possibility of being thrown off the story to be shocked later on.

STEP 5: Point of View Editing
this is creating a idea in the characters head without explaining in dialogue using point-of-view shot sequence.

STEP 6: Montage Gives You Control
this means being able to create and build up the suspense of a story by putting together close-ups of different parts within the audio/visual product in order to create a more dramatic effect for the audience.

STEP 7: Keep the Story Simple!
this means being able to both create a strong story whilst also being able to control the story/idea in making sure that the storyline is both not too confusing but isn't also too boring for the audience.

STEP 8: Characters Must Break Cliche
this means audience become intrigued by the audio/visual product by creating new stereotypical characteristics of the characters within the film.

STEP 9: Use Humor to Add Tension
this means by adding a sense of humor to a thriller u are able to create a different type of unexpected tension within the film. For example, "In Marnie, Tippi Hedren is stealing money from an office safe and is just about to leave when she notices the maid happens to be cleaning in the next room".

STEP 10: Two Things Happening at Once
This involves building tension into a scene by using contrasting situations

STEP 11: Suspense is Information
This means enabling the characters to create suspense by showing the audience a scene which presents a suspense story and enabling the audience to create an idea of the ending of the film. Although whilst doing this the characters need to carry on as if they don't know about the suspense scenes that have occurred whilst they've been off stage. “The essential fact is to get real suspense you must let the audience have information." --Alfred Hitchcock

STEP 12: Surprise and Twist
this means being able to create a storyline for the audience to follow but then turn their ideas upside down in order to create a dramatic effect.

STEP 13: Warning: May Cause MacGuffin

The purpose of MacGuffin is to serve a pivotal reason for the suspense to occur.This means making sure that the storyline makes sense to the audience in order to create the best possible dramatic effects.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

First Production Meeting

first idea

a thriller based on teeangers going camping into a dark woods and all getting killed one by one
but one survives. they get killed by anthore teenager who was not able to fit in with the rest so he decides to take revenge.

Seconde idea
is a romatic thriller where a woman has been engaged with her fiance for 5 years and they have not been able to get married. he constantly cheats on her so when she finds out she kills each woman one by one eventually she turns into a serial killer.

Third idea
the third idea we had we thought we would use a woman running away from something?someone and she scoverd in blood. she has lost her baby and she is not mentally stable.

as a group whe have decided on idea number three we have all signded a contract statign that we will attended each group meetings we will update frequently to see which pages eachorther are on present at this meeting is viana, moni and jasmine

Monday 27 September 2010

Story board

DayDream Shortlist

The video starts up with medium close-up of the main character who is about to be day dreaming about the main scenes throughout the DayDream sequence. Then as the character starts to show signs of falling asleep the camera starts to zoom in closer towards the character in order to clearly show the audience that the character is now day dreaming and not just sitting still which could bore the audience.

As we are led into the day dream itself the camera then appears over the shoulder of the main character. This will be done in order to show the audience both what the main character can see (corridor) and also the emotion of the character as he/she starts to walk down the corridor and towards a door. As he approaches the door which leads into the room that contains the other main character in this sequence and also the main dramatic sequence within the audio/visual product, the camera stays over the shoulder of the main character showing him/her opening the door.

Whilst the character enters the room the camera follows the character whilst in the motion of opening the door to then show the character entering the room which from over the shoulder we have seen the character approach. The audience will then be shown a close-up of the new character in the sequence in order to establish this character but then the camera draws back revealing both characters to the audience. As this conversation carries on we have a number of over the shoulder shots shows both sides of each character in order to portray the tention/emotion from both characters to the audience.

Finally we have a long shot of the scene showing the chair spinning around and the outline of one of the two characters creating a moment of suspense within the audio/visual sequence which will help the audience to become intergrated to the sequence.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

camera shots

All the shots above show the variouse amounts of shots we can use in our film sequence such a extream long shot, Medium close up , extream close up etc............

embaded file

the scence starts off with an establishing of a guy layin down on the sofa, the camera then cuts into a medium close of the phone ringing. this is show that the objects important in the scence. the camera then cuts in to S.R.S on the man lying on the sofa talking to a second character. the scence then cuts into anthore shot where the first character inters the lift and the door closes behind him. the camera then cuts into a medium shot of third character answering the phone. once again the phone is used to show its important. the camera then cuts into a match-onmatch-action shot when they lift opens and we see character one coming out of it like we did when he enetered the lift.

day dream SFX

through the whole sequences there will sound effects such as door creaking, and a spinning chair. all the sound effects will be used to create more tension and excitment in our sequence. the sound effects will be used at the ending of the sequence.

Monday 20 September 2010

throughout the sequence so that when we come to the killing towards the end the audience

DayDream SFX/Soundtrack

Throughout the video sequence there shall be sound effects such as a creaking door and also a spinning chair to build up the dramatic emphasis of the video sequence. Both of these SFX shall be implemented towards the end of the sequence again to help build the dramatic emphasis which shall be experienced by the viewers.

We are also thinking abou
t whether to add a heartbeat sound effect within the video sequence again the build up the suspense within the video product and therefore making the viewers more engaged to the product.

Also we shall be using soundtracks that will also increase the dramatic/suspense feeling will feel the mystery behind who is dead who how this person
has died.

throughout the sequence so that when we come to the killing towards the end the audience

DayDream SFX/Soundtrack

Throughout the video sequence there shall be sound effects such as a creaking door and also a spinning chair to build up the dramatic emphasis of the video sequence. Both of these SFX shall be implemented towards the end of the sequence again to help build the dramatic emphasis which shall be experienced by the viewers.

We are also thinking abou
t whether to add a heartbeat sound effect within the video sequence again the build up the suspense within the video product and therefore making the viewers more engaged to the product.

Also we shall be using soundtracks that will also increase the dramatic/suspense feeling will feel the mystery behind who is dead who how this person
has died.


Character B: (Hello)

Character A:(oh no! what are you doing here?

Character B:(I could ask the same thing about you)

synopsis of the day dream

In the day dream theres a character who daydreams about walking through a corridor and entering through a door to find out whats on the ortherside. whilst on the orther side of the door the character spots character b through the door and the exchange some dialogue and then someone dies this is how the story ends.