Monday 27 September 2010

DayDream Shortlist

The video starts up with medium close-up of the main character who is about to be day dreaming about the main scenes throughout the DayDream sequence. Then as the character starts to show signs of falling asleep the camera starts to zoom in closer towards the character in order to clearly show the audience that the character is now day dreaming and not just sitting still which could bore the audience.

As we are led into the day dream itself the camera then appears over the shoulder of the main character. This will be done in order to show the audience both what the main character can see (corridor) and also the emotion of the character as he/she starts to walk down the corridor and towards a door. As he approaches the door which leads into the room that contains the other main character in this sequence and also the main dramatic sequence within the audio/visual product, the camera stays over the shoulder of the main character showing him/her opening the door.

Whilst the character enters the room the camera follows the character whilst in the motion of opening the door to then show the character entering the room which from over the shoulder we have seen the character approach. The audience will then be shown a close-up of the new character in the sequence in order to establish this character but then the camera draws back revealing both characters to the audience. As this conversation carries on we have a number of over the shoulder shots shows both sides of each character in order to portray the tention/emotion from both characters to the audience.

Finally we have a long shot of the scene showing the chair spinning around and the outline of one of the two characters creating a moment of suspense within the audio/visual sequence which will help the audience to become intergrated to the sequence.

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